Business Excellence - TOP 5 Series

In Conversation - Joni Peddie Top Five Tips That Help You Feel On 'Top Form' Daily

Rael Bricker and Lindsay Adams Season 2 Episode 63

“It's a simple breathing technique. You breathe in through your nose. So, you hold your breath for seven counts. And then you breathe out through your mouth for eight counts.”

Joni Peddie Top Five Tips That Help You Feel On ‘Top Form’ Daily

1.   Sleep is your Superpower.

2.  Brain food is good food.

3.  Stress- less.

4.  'Open your heart'.

5.  Micro movements during your work day boosts your energy. 


01:42 Please don’t skimp on sleep, it’s your best friend!

08: 39 Knowing thyself is the beginning of wisdom.

14:34 The skipping rope movement.

17:40 Mondays should be fun! 

Where to find Joni?




Joni Peddie Bio 

Joni Peddie is a Strategic Facilitator for Team Performance, a Keynote Speaker and an Exec Coach. She helps Leaders, and their Teams to re-energize in multiple ways. She loves ‘people’ and is deeply curious about how people choose to 'Think, Feel & Act’.  After handling  difficult situations, she believes that we can always bounce back! In fact, in a rapidly changing world, we need to learn to BOUNCE FORWARD™ mentally, physically and with emotional agility. 

Besides facilitating organizational culture change, team performance workshops, speaking at conferences and writing books, Joni is an avid trail & road runner with 5 comrades (90km) and 7 two oceans (56km) ultra marathons under her belt. As a behavioral strategist, her fascination lies in working with people from around the world. She is based in South Africa and loves to travel and immerse herself in different cultures. Joni's pride and joy are her two adult daughters. Parenting these young ladies has been a journey in itself, given the tragic loss of Joni’s husband / their father when they were 7 and 9 years old. Joni remarried 4 years ago to Gavin Broomfield. They share many interests and share the mottos : ‘make lemonade out of lemons’ and ‘don’t forget to squeeze the juice out of every day’.