Business Excellence - TOP 5 Series
In keeping with the theme of our podcast, "Business Excellence" we have decided to release a new edition, the Business Excellence Top 5 Series.
In this series we interview the best contributors we can source to tell us about their Top 5 tips, tools or ideas relating to their topic around business and / or life.
Hosted by Lindsay Adams OAM CSP and Rael Bricker CSP bringing 60+ years of entrepreneurial success and professional speaking together.
Business Excellence - TOP 5 Series
In Conversation - Christopher Duncan Top Five Tips For Recoding Your Subconscious
“The best form of therapy is to create a life you love”
Christopher Duncan Top Five Tips For Recoding Your Subconscious
1. The reason why personal development or therapy doesn't work for most (and what to do instead).
2. The billionaire secret that helped me build 2 8figure businesses.
3. The 5-step superconscious creator code.
4. How to shift from employee to entrepreneur thinking.
5. How to Harness Flywheel Loops and the Matthew Effect.
01:59 The potential drawbacks of self-improvement and the importance of self-acceptance
06:54 Reframing success as a matter of structure rather than personality
09:01 A five-step approach to aligning your subconscious with your goals
11:45 The mindset shift required to transition from employee to entrepreneur
15:16 Leveraging reinforcing patterns and the compounding effect of small victories
Where to find Christopher?
Website https://tr.ee/Fq6MuepEAu
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/christophermduncan/
Linktree https://linktr.ee/chrismduncan
Free resources can be found here
Christopher Duncan Bio
Chris Duncan has been changing the world using the Superconscious Recode since 2019.
He has built multiple 8 figure companies and is the New York Times best-selling author of the book “You’re Not Broken.” He is the founder of Conscious Education Company, the Magnetic Mind Method and The Digital Marketing School which he sold in early 2023.
In 2019 Chris was featured in the movie “We Rise Up” alongside Tony Robbins, the 14th Dalai Lama, and Richard Branson. In that same year, he launched the “Rapid Recode” which went on to generate millions in profit and win his first Click Funnels 2 Comma Club Award. Since that first award, he now has a collection of Click Funnel awards consisting of 3 “Two Comma Club” awards and a Two Comma Club “X” Award (a funnel generating 8 figures).
Chris is well respected and renowned as a public speaker and coach, having instructed hundreds of thousands of people on the Magnetic Mind Method and using the Superconscious to turn their dreams into reality.
His genius is consolidating the wisdom of neuroscience, alchemy, and creation technology into a simple easy-to-use process that has impacted millions through Magnetic Mind.